Friday, June 11, 2010


Ok...strange request, but I am getting a little frantic in my searc* for Scrabble, I know t*at stores have t*em stacked up all day *ig*, but I am not $15 frantic ....well....yet....but t*e day may come...I am like 50 cents, or $1 frantic and *ope t*at maybe someone can *elp me w*ile t*ey are out and about...garage sale-ing...t*rift store s*opping, etc...because I need 12+ of t*ese read t*at rig*t...and w*ile you are at all mig*t want to write the nice folks at Scrabble and let t*em know...that 2 H's in a definitely NOT enoug*...
So, please let me know if you find any and I will make arrangements for taking t*em off your *ands....and t*ank you most profusely from the bottom of my *eart...see need more H's...

(A little confused...put H's in the places of the *...just a little play on letters!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very creative, Carrie.