Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jam Session

Canning Seasaon is just beginning to be upon up and is ushered into our home with freezer jam...Strawberry and Raspberry...our family's favorites...I am thinking of trying mango too as we really love mangoes, but I will not go crazy with that in case we're not that crazy about mango jam...also hoping to do some peach too...
My other canning plans or hopes at this point are for:
Applesuace- I really need to get one of those peeler, slicer jobs though...
Apple Pie Filling
Green Beans
Pickles- been a few years since I have done these
Tomatoes in almost all forms....sauce, puree, chunks...
and...I am going to try canning some jalapenos...we will see about that...

So, I would post pictures, but I am not so sure Bessie can...I'll play with that a little later (and by "I" I mean my techy teenager who seems to know all of that stuff by osmosis or something....) but right now, I need to go put away my jam!
What are your canning plans this year?

1 comment:

Cheri said...

I love freezer jam! Did you find a good deal on berries somewhere? I need to get some.