So how is it that time can get away from us so quickly...well, I am VERY behind on the Joy Dare and will now try to get caught up...
3 Gifts White
1} Big Puffy Clouds on a nice day
2} Empty notebook pages waiting to be filled
3} A Beautiful Katayama Porcelain Doll Vase from my very good friend
3 Gifts Eaten
1} THM Cheeseburger Pie...a new family favorite!
2} Hard Boiled Egg
3} A Nice Fresh Salad
A Gift at 10 am, 1 pm and 10 pm
1} A Break!
2} A Prize from Work
3} Sweet Sleep!
3 Gifts Sitting
1} Church
2} Time to Work on Lesson Plans
3} Dinner Time
A Gift Outside. Inside, Upside Down
1} Children Playing
2} Mom's Night Out after a homeschool meeting
3} Dishes drying the the drainer after cleaning up from dinner
3 Gifts in Water
1} Coffee Beans
2} a Hot Shower after a LONG DAY!
3} Free Bottles given to the children at the National Night Out
3 Gifts in His Word
1} John 3:16-God Gave His Son...
2} James 1:17- Every thing is from God
3} Romans 11:29-God's gifts and calling are irrevocable
3 Gifts in Summer
1} Barbeques
2} Tan Faces
3} Outside Fun
A Gift Hole, Whole, Half
1}Donuts...planning to bring them home on our first day back to school
2}Another whole week's been a FULL one
3}Half done with lesson planning
3 Hard Eucharisteo
1} A Broken Window
2} Believing God's Promises when there is no shadow of it present
3} A private matter
3 Gifts of Metal
1} Our cars...we most likely need new ones, but I am so thankful these keep getting us from point A to point B
2} Wedding Ring-Symbol of promises made and kept
3} Our Pots and Pans...a wedding gift used every day
3 Gifts Half Hidden
1} DDs money bag...he couldn't find it because it was part way under the bed
2} The ONE book we are looking for in the PILES of books stacked on the table
3} My debit card...once again...under THE STACKS of books on the table
3 Gifts in Green
1} Salad...Kale, Romaine, green onion...Lots of YUMMY goodness
2} Earth Milk...Now I think this tasted NASTY, but I did finish it and I KNOW it was good for me
3} 6 boxes of Scotch tape refills...we've been out of tape for a long time
A Gift in Ring, Curve, Sphere
1} A Locket to deliver
2} Lots of smiles...from Mama to Children and from Children to Mama
3} Work with a globe...learning about Continents and Oceans
3 Gifts Ugly-Beautiful
1}The Work of have pickles later in the year
2}Our Laundry Pile...a never ending job that is evidence of God's provision in our lives
3}Thoughts of a friend celebrating a birthday after a death in the family
3 Gifts of Family
1} History
2} Help
3} Humor
3 Gifts in the Morning
3}A Clean Slate
A Gift Red, Read, Written
1} Lots of shirts for work in the closet
2} "Prayers for Prodigals" excellent book if you are walking that hard path. It has 90 days of prayers. Written by James Banks
3} This catch up Joy Dare post! :-)
Watching Down the Road,