On the school front, today is not a holiday for us...we will be working on stuff today...getting a little ahead so we can have most of tomorrow off...it is the "official" goodbye to some really good friends who are moving to Texas...bring the kleenex, because this gal is so precious and dear to us...cannot imagine not having her here...but I am so very thankful for having been able to call her friend for all these years now.
Having a prayer circle group tonight...really enjoying having a group of gals coming over while most of my family is at BSF...we pray...I love that it doesn't take me away from my family or interrupt normal life here. God so beautifully opened this up...and I find that it is so precious. I think even my husband loves that we do this too...he hasn't quite said it in those words, but he talks about it on and off throughout the week.
And, looking a little more ahead...in just under two weeks, the Principessa will be NINE...To have a party or not have a party...that is the question at hand.
Well, off to prepare for our school day...and then WAIT for the family to get up...getting up WAY TOO EARLY is not usually a problem for me...but I love having the quiet time to be able to get things done that I need to do...off to finish my BSF lesson...
Hope you all have a Mighty Monday!

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