Wednesday, February 17, 2010

TOS Review: Help, Lord, I'm Getting Ready to Start Homeschooling My High Schooler

WEll, I've been given an Opportunity to try out to be a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew...Selected members become part of a team that reviews products for the Homeschool is a very sobering responsibility and one that I also find to be an exciting challenge. As a part of this process, I was given an eBook from the TOS line of products...I had great hopes for this book as I have a high school student and two more on the threshold...I remember VERY well my anticipation: What do I HAVE to do? What CAN I do? Can I teach my child Calculus and Physics and all the stuff I flunked in high school or never took myself? Will my children EVER BE ABLE TO BE A FUNCTIONING PART OF SOCIETY? A very rational thought...don't you think...
Anyway, I had very high hopes for this book. It is a 122 page book...a book of stories of people who have walked these steps before us...I found that the stories were encouraging, people wanting to follow the leading of God in their families, but there were TOO many stories...I was hoping for more PRACTICAL advice...what to do, how to do it, things that Mom's and Dad's are looking for where their children are between 6th and 8th grade as High School looms large and all of a sudden...everything COUNTS. If the stories of those who walked before you inspire you to continue the journey...this is THE book for you...but if you are looking for a little more practicality of HOW it all comes together, you will need to find another resource...
One redeeming part of this book, actually came towards the end...a list of books and resources that might be helpful throughout the high school years...some of which I have and find very USEFUL myself.
THis eBook sells for $12.45 on the TOS website

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