Written by Danika Cooley
Illustrated by Jeff Anderson
Published by CF4Kids
Price: $9.99
Ages: 5-11
Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to Birth is a beautiful telling of the wonder of God's creation through the miracle of birth in language that is simple enough for young children to comprehend, but that also gives the more scientific aspects in a way that older hearers will appreciate as well.
Danika's purpose in writing this book:
"I want children to understand that they're individually and purposefully created by a loving God, and that there is a second birth into the Kingdom of Heaven available to them. Each child is unique and special, and each is loved dearly not only by their parents, but also by their Father in Heaven.
I also want a new generation of children to grow up understanding the marvelous truth of what happens in the womb, and when it happens. I want them to know what Scripture says about life in the womb--both the creation of life and the existence of life.
Both of those goals were heavy on my heart while writing Wonderfully Made, and I'm overjoyed to see the book available to families around the world."
There are many things we loved about Wonderfully Made:
First, it explained things at an appropriate age level in simple language without talking baby talk or dumbing down the information. The information presented at each stage is accurate and God honoring. It is also presented as if a Momma is telling her child their personal story. So very sweet!
Second, it comes from a Biblical worldview and presents life as sacred. Danika also includes Scripture verses that address life in the womb and even gives a presentation of the gospel end of the book. She shows our need to be born again! This was my most favorite part!
Also, the markers that Danika uses for growth comparatives are things most young children would be fairly familiar with: head of a pin, head of a nail, plum, lime, ruler. These are things a child can also look at and think on. This gave me pause too and I have five children! WOW!
Finally, there are a lot of colorful illustrations that children find so very attractive. When I read through this with my youngest, it brought about conversation of when he was inside me. As he just had a birthday, I shared some things about my pregnancy with him.
One thing was a little bit of a challenge for us though. I think there is an age where children are a little uncomfortable with certain topics and discussing them is a wee bit awkward. I think my son was a little uncomfortable reading this with me as a result. He is at the higher age range recommended, and I think it would have been better to start this with him a little younger...so I am going to suggest a little younger age range...maybe to about 9 or so. I think if I had STARTED reading this book to him a little bit younger, it may have been more enjoyable for him.
Danika has also made available a lapbook, posters and Scripture memory verse printables on her website if you are interested. You need to sign up for the membership (FREE!) and then scroll to the BOTTOM of the page to find it...This would be a FABULOUS unit study! It might be fin to include somethings you have from your child/children's births too! Ultrasound pictures, copies of their footprints, any momentos you might have around (or make copies of them if you can.) Danika has SEVERAL other printables available to her subscriberss as well...be sure to check those out when you are there!
So, now for the important details...you can buy the book here and connect with Danika through her social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google and Instagram.
Danika Cooley is a married mother of four, a grandmother, a blogger, a curriculum developer, and a writer. She homeschools her two youngest children in Oregon. Danika's three year Scripture survey for preschool to high schoool Bible Road Trip, is used across the globe.
*I received this book in exchange for a frank and honest review. All opinions are my own. Your results and/or opinions may vary.