Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Gift Outside, Inside, on a Plate

Today's Joy Dare is a bit of a challenge as it would be ever so much more lovely in pictures, but no pictures today...

Outside: Today, while I was waiting to get into the was at that time of day when it is still dark, but you can see morning's glory peaking up over the horizon. Stars were twinkling, mountains standing in their majestic places, a light pink staining the sky just at the place of where heaven meets earth and clouds look like brush strokes from their Maker's was a beautiful site and I REALLY wished I had a camera...

Inside: A clean we are in the process of getting back on top of life, a gift for today is a clean livingroom...everyone worked together so that many hands made light work.

On a plate: a cranberry orange muffin...a very unexpected treat

Ever so

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