Monday, June 30, 2008

Discouraging News

So, tomorrow David is going to have surgery...a minor procedure to correct his privates...My oldest had it too, so at least we know what to expect there...

So at Children's, they wait until the DAY BEFORE SURGERY to let you know what time it will be we get our call today....His surgery is at 1:45 pm...He cannot eat FOOD past 5:30 am AND he cannot have anything to drink PAST 9:30 am...I have no idea why, but this news just set me off to tears....poor little I think I have my plan for how we will handle case you do not know our family, we are LUCKY if we are thinking about food, much less UP AND MOVING around at 9:30 am...
So, I think I will set an alarm for 4:00 am and wake David up...get him moving and all...let him have his milk and eat breakfast...then he can have apple juice or water until 9:30...then HOPEFULLY by then, he will be ready for a nap and we can go without food or drinks easily enough...
Please be praying for is a minor procedure...nothing life threatening or anything, but any surgery can have complications and such...we greatly appreciate being covered in prayer...
THank you!


wendipooh13 said...

good luck Carrie for you son and for you too... hope everything goes well, hugs and prayers for you and your family

Unknown said...

Hope all is well! Prayers and hugs for you guys!!

joanna said...

Praying for David here. I hope his surgery went very well.

Unknown said...

I hope the surgery went well. It must be so hard to have to take a child in for something like that!

Kim said...

oh poor little guy! How's he doing today??

Rebecca K. said...

OH Carrie! totally praying for you and your sweetie.. that is ROUGH!!