Monday, July 10, 2017

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

BOOK Club–‘If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”

Originally Posted on Home & School Mosaics:
This month we are focusing on the book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, by Laura Numeroff.  Two of our writers took on the challenge of this book in their homes and they will be sharing their thoughts and some activities you can do.  The writer for this month is Carrie Cannon.

Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?
I LOVE this book. The charming illustrations combined with the innocent and silly series of cause and effect instances that happen when you give a Mouse a Cookie are amusing and entertaining for children.
How did the book compare to other books by the author (or other books in the same genre)?
The author has a series of books that follow the same lines of what happens when you do this. They are fun as well, but If You Give a Mouse a Cookie is by far my most favorite. She has several other books, but I have not read any of those yet.
What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?
The book is so fun and the illustrations are so wonderful, that you find yourself turning the pages to find out what happens next. I LOVE that it circles back to the beginning…you can see the whole thing happening again!
How realistic was the characterization? Would you want to meet any of the characters? Did you like them? Hate them?
I loved the characterization. I am not sure I would call it realistic, but the characters are sweet throughout the story. I love that the mouse seems to gather energy throughout the book, while the boy is continually cleaning up behind the mouse and looks pretty worn out by the end of the story. Many of the actions remind me of life at home with children. Their wonderful energy, never ending flow of ideas, their creativity, their boundless energy paired with my fatigue at the end of the day, the mouse wanting to sign his name on his picture with a pen, getting scotch tape…my children would have so much fun with a roll of scotch tape.
Did the actions of the characters seem plausible? Why? Why not?
Setting aside the fact that this is a mouse doing these things, I do believe the actions of the characters are plausible. One thing just leads to another all throughout the story. The mouse bounces from one activity to the next with enthusiasm, a little bit of drama and a sweetness that is irresistible to readers of all ages.
Did the book end the way you expected?
I can’t remember what I expected the first time I read it…it has been so long ago. Now, when we read it, it just seems like that is the way it HAS to be.
Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend?
Absolutely YES! My family has all loved this book! It has a nice story with the BEST illustrations. A wonderful book for children!
The Title of this book is ” If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”. The Title is simply the name of the book.
Laura Joffe Numberoff is the Author of the book and her Website is here and you can read about the author here.
An Author is a person who writes a book.
Felicia Bond is the Illustrator and you can find out more about her here.
An Illustrator is the person who draws the pictures in a book.

Activities for “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”

My children are all a little too old to do many of the activities for this book, but I had my youngest do a couple of them so I would have pictures! We also took some cookies and a copy of the book to our neighbor for a treat!
Try walking through each step of the story. Have a cookie, ask for a glass of milk, see if you have a milk mustache, get a hair cut…and so on.
Make a bed…either your bed or make up a bed somewhere in the house out of something else….snuggle down and looks at books…or take a NAP!!!
Make a family portrait and sign it with a pen. Hang it on the fridge.
Have fun with scotch tape
Clean up after yourself
Start your own if you give a….. story…
Take cookies/the book to a neighbor or friend

Make “signs” of the nouns in the picture…tape them onto the item
Note the verbs…do the actions
Here is a couple of wonderful Chocolate Chip Cookie printables, which are also on my Pinterest board, but you can create all kinds of games with these…numbers, colors, letters, whatever you are working on in your home!
Talk with your child or children about when happens when we do this and introduce the idea of cause and effect. Here is a good article on that.
Originally Posted at Home and School Mosaics