It’s That Time of Year…Already
Even though we try to continue schooling throughout the summer, at least to some extent, Fall is the great kick-off for us for a new school year. New books, lesson plans and fresh optimism flow as the box of crayons are opened for the first time, we can actually FIND several pairs of scissors and pencils are sharpened in anticipation of the BIG DAY. As many of us are gearing up, planning, buying curriculum and trying to have a clue about what on earth we are going to do, let me share some of the things I am doing right now to get ready for the big day!
A good lesson plan book is an invaluable resource. My personal favorite right now is The Ultimate Homeschool Planner by Debra Bell. There are many good helps in the beginning of this planner that make it THE ONE for me. Yearly, Monthly, and Weekly planning sessions keep me focused and remind me of our priorities for our school and for each child. I will also try, once again, to develop that important life skill of time management with my older children using student planners.
My other favorite planning tool is My Home School Grades.This helps me keep my grades in one place that I can access at any time and will create, when I am ready, a professional transcript for my child’s academic and extracurricular achievements. Created by a homeschool Dad and a homeschool grad, this is an extremely user friendly tool. One thing I LOVE about My Home School Grades is their FANTASTIC customer service. I really cannot say enough about this WONDERFUL resource! It really is AWESOME!
One thing MOST homeschoolers LOVE are BOOKS! So as the summer winds down, make time to go through your bookshelves and see what you already have, before contemplating what you need. Perhaps there is a treasure awaiting you in there somewhere. If not, what can you clear away before adding more into our stores of books? Maybe there is something you can sell, consign, or give away to a friend. Not only will this be a blessing for you, either in earning you some school money or in being a blessing to someone, but this will make room for more BOOKS! Things you will actually use.
After you go through the books, go through your supplies to see what you need for the upcoming year. I LOVE to use plastic shoebox size containers to gather like things together. This helps all of us locate what we want quickly, provides a consistent place to return supplies to AND helps you to see fairly quickly what you need or will need soon. Stocking up on supplies in the summer is smart because of the rock bottom prices most stores offer at this time.
Don’t forget all those OTHER things that pop up as September approaches. Sports, Weekly commitments like AWANA , Music lessons, or Co-op, and work schedules all play a HUGE factor in both your “school” time AND your budgeting needs. Look for good deals on sports equipment and band instruments, buy a few things here and there now, set aside money you will need for fees, dues, and supplies you will need for these extras. Often, we need several hundred dollars for these activities all at once and September (or August) hits us with a whammy. You KNOW it’s coming…prepare for it now.
One Last Thing:
Take a moment and write down your hopes and dreams for this year and seal it into an envelope and slip it into the back of your planner or tape it to June’s calendar page. Really think of what you hope to accomplish…academically, relationally, spiritually, physically, etc. Try to be as detailed as you can. It is my prayer that when you open these at the end of your school year, that you will be encouraged and energized as you recount your days in view of your hopes and dreams. In the trenches, we can often lose sight of the goal and focus on the things that were not done, books not finished and all the defeats. Remember and celebrate the victories. These are usually NOT measureable in a standardized test or in the grade books, they are measured in your child’s heart.