1} Upcoming eye surgery for my middle boy...will get rid of the marks he does not like, but will be ugly for a long time until healed
2} A relationship with a little lamb bent on hurting themself...progress is made in a painfully slow one small step forward, three steps back...opportunities present to offer love and grace in a tough love kind of a way.
3} My relationship with the Lord as I try to have my own way and and obstinate and rebellious and His loving care is always gentle, full of grace and mercy, and perfect...
18-A Gift Fixed, Folded, Freckled
1} Fixed: Buffalo Chicken Wings
2} Folded: Laundry
3} Freckled: The special surprise we got for my Principessa for Christmas...shhhh...
19- 3 Gifts in Conversation
1} Pirate talk with a jolly bunch of scaliwags
2} Finding one of those who see the good in your rascal
3} Donuts, coffee and conversation with good friends at the park on a BEAUTFULLY SUNNY and warm day!
20- 3 Gifts in Salvation
1} Wisdom
2} Emmanuel (God's presence with us now)
3} Jesus (Our Future Hope!)
4} One more...today is surgery day- PEACE
21- 3 Gifts in Information
1} Encouragement
2} Knowledge
3} The ability to better pray
22- a Gift Rattling, Receding, Reclaiming
1} Rattling- Venti Iced Coffee with a splash, no classic
2} Receding- Bitterness and hurt from a hard situation
3} Reclaiming-The Joy of the Lord will be my strength
Watching Down the Lane,
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