1} That we ACTUALLY had summer like weather...we never know what we are going to get in our area and we had an amazing summer with lots of warm, sunny days!
2} We were able to do MANY family things this year...trips to the beach, lake, zoo, etc...This was a great blessing and treat
3} Snow Goose Ice Cream...seriously...ONE scoop is VERY close to the size of a newborn baby's head...
Hi! I've been married to Dana since 1991. Our five blessings range in age from 17 to 5 We live in Washington State. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, scrapbooking, reading and occasionally sewing. I am technologically challenged and rely on my 17 year old to help me out. I have many of my friends fooled into thinking I am a good cook, but this is one area where I struggle GREATLY! I am also a bit of a clutterbug...hopefully, that is a sign of a creative genius...or maybe a relational mentality, but anyway, I try to work in this area as well. As I am trying to age gracefully, I find my brains are fleeing my head as fast as they can.
One of my greatest dreams would be to travel the United States with my family and to see all the best of what each state has to offer.
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