3/6: A Gift Bent, Broken, Beautiful
1} My will to God's will
2} A broken and contrite heart offered to God
3} a friend's new baby!!! He IS one of the MOST beautiful babies I have ever seen...
3/7: 3 Gifts in the Kitchen
1} My 20+ Year old Kitchenaid Mixer...a wonderful gift from my dad and that mixer has been a workhorse for me...made so many wonderful things throughout the years...gotten many children's batter/frosting licks...so many things to be thankful for in this one gift...
2} My kitchen window...I LOVE to look out this window and see happy children playing in the back yard...lets in a lot of light...
3} DOUBLE OVENS...I have NO IDEA what homes do without this gift!
3/8: 3 Gifts Loud
1} My children's laughter
2} The Martins singing Redeemed
3} praise music
3/9: 3 Gifts Carved
1} A beautifully intricate wooden duck made for us by old neighbors for a wedding gift
2} a sign at the church we have co-op at that has the Fruit of the Spirit on it...this is a gift to me because I am teaching a class on that...
3} Time carved out to spend in prayer and Bible study
3/10: 3 Gifts in Christ
1} Grace
2} Faith
3} Hope
3/11: 3 Gifts Read
1} A PRECIOUS note from a dear friend with a beautiful gift inside
2} Genesis 24...I KNOW I posted that one before, but I LOVE this passage...God has shown it to me in a new way...as our walk with God with the Holy Spirit walking with us...guiding us to our groom...I will never look on this passage the same way again.
3} Green Eggs and Ham...my boy was SO excited about this because this was the FIRST book he has ever read...he read it out loud to me on this day...and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen...not because it is such a great book...but my boy was excited AND he was reading...he will soon be able to read God's word for himself!
3/12: A gift in Wind, Water, white
1} Wind: I love the feel of a windy day
2} Water: to drink....Today I am very THANKFUL for my coffee flavored water!
3} White: My Origami Owl order that came today...my sweet daughter wrapped in it white paper as a gift for me!
Whew...so many gifts to count!
I hope you are counting yours too!
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