3- A Gift Caught, Let Go, Mid Way
1} Caught-a boy growing too fast in a LEAPING LIZARD...that is where he flies off the counter and I catch him...I got a hard thud this time
2} Let Go-Expectations of how things should be
3} Mid Way- My Principessa and her flute...she is not MID-way but making so much progress with each class that I feel so blessed to be hearing such joyful sounds
4- 3 Gifts Reaped
1} A paycheck
2} Joy
3} A Boy got a new job
5- 3 Gifts Returned
1} Library Books...thankful we can borrow them and take them back, but ever so thankful for no fees!
2} Back to the Lesson Plan book...a weekly labor of love...to pray and plan and place the details of our lives
3} a Phone call to my hubby
6- 3 Gifts Redeemed
1} My Starbucks Star Dash e-Gift Card
2} A Free Drink on my card
3} My Little Boy...very present in my mind as he rejoicing in being able to share in his first opportunity to participate in communion
7- A Gift Baked, Stirred, Eaten
1} Baked Oatmeal...been having such a craving for this...the recipe I have is from a dear friend who moved and I do not get to see her anymore, so I think of her everytime I make it
2} Coffee at co-op...I LOVE Libby and her servant's heart to have it available for us
3} Dinner...I have NO idea now what it was, but I remember trying to have it ready before everyone had to go their different directions for the night.
8- 3 Gifts Prayed For
1} Deeper walk with the Lord
2} Our Children to walk with the Lord...3 John 4
3} Strength for the day
9- 3 Gifts Praised For
1} More permanent work for my husband
2} Clean Labs after a boy's eye surgery
3} Friends that point me to Christ
10- 3 Hard Eucharisteos
1} That place that God wants to change or cut out that you are having difficulty letting go of
2} That thing God wants you to do that you are having a hard time doing
3} Changing a bad habit for the glory of God.
11- 3 Gifts of Change
1} An Empty Checklane 6
2} A Missing Team Mate
3} Things that will never be the same again
12- A Gift Small, Smaller, Smallest
1} a snow globe on my desk...evidences of a boy's perfect love gift to his Momma
2} A new necklace
3} A mustard seed size of faith
13- 3 Gifts Read
1} Matthew 5
2} Hinds Feet on High Places
3} John 15
14-3 Gifts Said
1} The more you tuck God's Word in your heart, the more it will be on the tip of your tongue.
2} The Scriptures you memorize are the only Scriptures you can read on the ceiling in the dark.
3} What is my conduct revealing about my character?
15- 3 Gifts Re-Read
1} A Light for My Path
2}Anne of Green Gables
3}Anne of Avonlea
16- 3 Gifts Burning
1} A wax warmer is on with Honey Pear Cider Scentsy Bar
2} Potato soup the the bottom of my pan...it ALWAYS does that, but is still good...just more work washing the pan.
3} Beeswax candles
17- 3 Gifts Ugly-Beautiful
1} My house...guests are coming...Praise God for My Husband, My Children and GOOD friends
2} Expectations- never what you think will happen...becoming something better or more appropriate
3} A blessing of fellowship and study after 3 years of hardship
18- A Gift Shared, Saved, Surrendered
1} A new soup recipe to try
2} A Blog post that I can't seem to complete
3} Another small part of MY will to His
19- 3 Gifts Unexpected
1} A day off of soccer just at the right time for Mission's Conference
2} Some kind words from a sweet friend
3} A nice chat with an old friend...we have been having similar things going on for about the same time period.
20- 3 Gifts Unconventional
1} a visit in the nursery during Sunday School
2} having enough potato soup left over for the potluck today
3} working in the fitting room was not so bad tonight...except for THE INCIDENT!
21- 3 Gifts Undervalued
1} The Lord's Power
2} His Love
3} His Holiness
22- A Gift Silent, Still, Strong
2}Still: two hours of quiet during Bible Study after a long weekend
3}Strong: Our God
23- 3 Gifts Begun
1} My Josiah quilt...begun right after he was born...lost and found
2} A cross stitch project
3} Meal Plan for the month
24- 3 Gifts Accomplished
1} Getting everyone where they needed to be on time with one vehicle and three completely different locations.
2} Dinner- after the day I had today...THAT WAS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!
3} Laundry...well for one day at least
25- 3 Gifts Enjoying
1} My Homeschool Grades
2} Band & Choir for my younger two
3} Sewing Projects
26- 3 Gifts Extravagant
1} Grace
2} Love
3} Forgiveness
27- A Gift Humbling, Honoring, Happy
1}Humbling: Comp Shopping
2}Honoring:A Wonderful Pastor
3} Happy: Coming Home after a VERY LONG DAY
28- 3 Gifts in Christ
1} Matthew 5:3-12
2} Matthew 6:9-13
3} Matthew 6: 25-34
29- 3 Gifts on Time
1}Getting up early for work...but not as early as I wanted...but still in time to get things done.
2}Comp Shop is DONE for this week
3}Just happening to be RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER from Homeschool Potpourri when I needed a couple of things...SO THANKFUL right now!
30- 3 Gifts Overjoyed
1} The right lesson for me at EXACTLY the RIGHT TIME
2} Getting to share with a sweet woman how blessed I have been by knowing that she has prayed once a month for my prodigal and EVERY CHILD she has ever taught in BSF...you are TOO PRECIOUS FOR WORDS...oh and seeing her point out his name in her Bible...this was at least 14 years ago...
3} God's Provision=perfect timing!!!
31- 3 Gifts Hallowed
1} God's Name
2} God's Purposes and Plans
3} God's Character