So I have not been on some sort of a luxery vacation or anything...I've been here...just without a computer...then, it is only so stimulating to talk about laundry or I haven't really had much to say...not that I really do now...but I thought I would pop in and say "hello...remember me..."
Well, it's that time of year....time for back to school...I feel behind in my planning, but hope I can catch up to at least have the first week planned...we will start on the 7th (Labor Day...a fitting start) with a big breakfast and prayer time...goals...and such...get everything ready for our first WORK day on the books, new schedule, new goals, new focus...etc...I love how new everything feels at this time every year...and it makes me think of God and how His mercies are new every MORNING...not just every year, but every day...if I blew it is a new day...fresh, clean slate...
So, last week was a wild frenzy of doing something with our plums before they were rotten...we blanched them, took off the skins, pitted them and froze them in ziploc bags....yesterday I made plum crisp for breakfast...yumm...but we were doing that all while getting ready for Family Camp up at Mount Baker...we got the plums done JUST IN TIME...and thanks to a very good friend who took the rest from me...I could not look at one more...anyway...we left early for Family Camp...and I do MEAN EARLY...and went up to Mount Baker to pick blueberries...they were all over. We were there for two and a half hours and got about a gallon and a half...after that, the children had ENOUGH so we went down to the camp.
We had sweet fellowship while camping with church families...came home all bug bitten to pieces and itching like crazy and boy...bed felt so good on Sunday night...I think we are caught up on laundry again...nothing like a three day trip to send your washing machine into overdrive.
I made two blueberry pies with some of the blueberries we picked and realized while we were eating it that we doubled the pie, but only put in a single recipe of what needed to be in there, like SUGAR...but the pies tasted okay...we are hoping to make a little bit of jam and that may be all the blueberries we have...
I think that is really it...I need to get a little organized today...bringing a meal for a friend who had a baby and I want to bake cookies and have everything ready to go, so that is the focus for today...