This spring, our students are learning to Do Hard Things and what leadership looks like at this time of their lives. They are gaining a new insight into these middle years, which for years have been called the “TEENAGE” years and they are discovering that perhaps they are getting the short end of the stick for what their potential COULD BE. As they grow and discover what God’s plan is for their lives, they will really discover that “With God, nothing is impossible.” So, they are stepping out in faith and walking on the path of HARD THINGS. This student leadership team has decided to collect diapers for Embracing Life, a pregnancy resource/crisis center here in Marysville. They had some great options, we had a lively discussion and they had a HARD choice, but we are so excited by their decision. We are collecting disposable diapers, cloth diapers, wipes, pins and plastic pants/diaper covers. We are also accepting monetary donations and will apply that to purchasing more diapers. This is a great need at this center and we are praying that God would SUPERABUNDANTLY provide more than we could even imagine. There is a page on our website about this and lists the donation items we are collecting and even has a countdown for how much time is left in the drive ( ).
We are asking a couple of things, which if you could do, we would greatly appreciate it.
First, could you pray for our group? These students have never done anything like this before and I think that is limiting what they could imagine. Could you ask our great Heavenly Father to provide more than we could even think to ask for? This is my personal request (Carrie)…I think it would be such an encouragement for these students as they begin DOING HARD THINGS. Along with this request, could you ask the Father to give these students an intense focus on their project and also that God would protect them from what the world thinks about this kind of ministry. We have talked about what COULD happen, how people COULD react, but this is really a great unknown for all of us. We don’t want their first attempts to be so HARD that they will never attempt to DO HARD THINGS again. We do not necessarily want them to be protected from everything, but we do not want them to get a full measure of wrath either. Thank you.
Second, if you are in a place to contribute to this endeavor, we would gratefully receive your gifts. I can arrange getting your donation with you. If you are not in a place to donate, we understand, please do not feel like you need to. We are trusting God for what He has in store for us.
Third, if you know anyone who would consider helping us with a donation, could you let them know about this. You can point them to the website, so they will know what we are doing or they can email me personally. Again, I can arrange details of getting your donation.
Fourth, could you pray also that this would be a point that God uses to launch these students into a series of HARD THINGS that cause them to stand firm in their faith, a generation wholeheartedly devoted to God.
So, I think I need to get some friends...I have posted about this twice, but have not had any takers yet...the original post is down a few...but the idea is this...I am looking for three people who would like a get a nice homemade gift from me....all you need to do is post some form of the original post on your blog and Pay It Forward...offer it to three more people. I have an idea of the great little thing that I would like to make...but who knows....
We FINALLY finished our first unit in our history book and will be moving on...the OFFICIAL TITLE is Missionaries and Barbarians, but I think it covers some of the Middle Ages...I am excited about this...there are all kinds of fun things to do...I have already made one trip to the library to pick up holds, but I will need to make another trip soon...One book I got has 50 activities for the Middle Ages...I think we will build a castle...that should be FUN!
THis makes me think...what do you all use in your homeschooling?
I am currently using:
Diana Waring's History Alive program for all of my children...I LOVE her history!!!! We are in the second book, Romans, Reformers and Revolutionaries...fondly known as RRR in my house, because I can never remember the correct order (The ONLY reason I got it right here is because it is right next to me!!!!)
For science we are using two Apologia texts: Physical Science for my 9th grader and Astronomy for my other three...I love Apologia books!
English is a bit of a mish mash...right now we are focusing on Writing using Susan Bradrick's Understanding Writing and then Easy Grammar and my younger ones have handwriting assignments. We will have some literature things later, but not at this moment. #2 and 3 also have spelling, I think it is called the Phonics Zoo
Math is Math U See for the youngers and Saxon for my older. I think I am going to put him through some Key To books this summer.
My first grader has her Phonics which includes Phonics, reading and Handwriting
Bible for us is reading through Scripture in the mornings, AWANA, history (our program is great for showing what God is doing down through the ages),science, writing, handwriting and just walking by the way discipleship...The Bible is infused throughout our day! Please do not misunderstand that I think I have it all down or anything, but the beauty of homeschooling for us is that it is not a seperate subject, it is in every subject, the Bible is relevant to every area of our lives...
Well this turned out to be a kind of long post, so I will sign off here...